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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Professional Developement

Learning and teaching is a lifelong commitment so we as educators must continually find ways to improve ourselves and lift up our industry. If you are a teacher like me, sometimes it is difficult to find time or money to go to a seminar, a conference, discussion group, or meeting. And the content of these is not always relevant to our individual teaching environments. I have been to many professional development events where I have just sat in the room watching these "experts" explain their theories and techniques and I just say to myself "this wont work with my students" or "why am I here"? 

So here is an article from TESOL Connections where you can start your own professional development plan individualized just for you. If you want to teach in Thailand long term it is necessary to get and renew the teacher license which requires verifiable professional development. Click on the "webinars/professional development" page on this blog for more options. 


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